What is the process of complete Dental implants ?

ormally when all the teeth are lost then with dental implants you can have the comfort of natural teeth. Dental implants are threaded screw made of TITANIUM which are placed in the jaw bone and they serve the purpose Of natural teeth and then taking support of them we prepare the full mouth ceramic bride on top of them. Implants are available from many different companies .We are using dental implants from NOBEL BIOCARE co. Which is an U S based co with approved implants and are considered to be one of the best .

What is Root Canal Therapy?

RCT is a method of saving a tooth by cleaning out a damaged nerve and filling in the resulting chamber.

What is Gum (Periodontal) Disease?

Periodontal disease is the deterioration of the supporting structures of the teeth.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws or cages that are surgically placed in the bone of the mouth to which a tooth, bridge, or denture can attach to make a stable restoration.

Why should I Replace a Missing Tooth?

The empty space in your mouth starts to cause many problems including decay and periodontal disease, an unbalanced bite, and stress on the remaining teeth.

Why do I need a Crown (Cap)?

A crown is needed on a tooth when the tooth is weakened by either decay, a fracture or a very large restoration.

I don’t like my Smile is there anything I can do?

Besides Braces, there are three common procedures available; bonding, bleaching, and veneering.

Why does the Floss shred and get caught in my teeth?

Floss can shred if the contact between the teeth is tight or there is a rough or broken surface between the teeth.

How can I avoid getting Cavities?

The best way to avoid cavities is by eating right, brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily and visiting your dentist every six months. Children and some adults can benefit by having Sealants placed.


Tooth erosion is the wearing away of tooth enamel by acid.


Canker sores, also known as Aphthous Ulcers, are small lesions that occur inside the mouth, and are not contagious.

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

An abscess of the tooth is an infection. An abscess can include pus and swelling of the soft gum tissues surrounding the tooth.